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Högskoleprovet Vår 2015
/ Provpass 3 – Verbal del (HPVAR2015P3)
ELF – Engelsk läsförståelse (HPVAR2015P3)
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1. Premium
Butterflies may be pretty but they seem inconsequential ornaments when compared with majestic eagles or pragmatically functional worms or bees. Every century, butterflies have become extinct in Britain. Why should we care if we lose a few more? For a start, butterflies are an excellent indicator species: if butterflies are suffering, then so too are less well monitored insects that pollinate flowers, help matter decompose and protect other species by preying on pests. Plants, birds, rodents and big, greedy mammals – such as human beings – depend on them. Butterflies’ decline probably indicates a rapid decline in invertebrates in general.
What is the main point here?
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2. Premium
A ball spinning in a vacuum should never slow down, since no outside forces are acting on it. At least that is what Isaac Newton would have said. But what if the vacuum itself creates a type of friction that puts the brakes on spinning objects? The effect, which might soon be detectable, could act on interstellar dust grains. In quantum mechanics, the uncertainty principle says we can never be sure that an apparent vacuum is truly empty. Instead, space is fizzing with photons that are constantly popping into and out of existence before they can be measured directly
What is said about the concept of “vacuum”?
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Rättar... The Literate Ape
A review of Reading in the Brain by Stanislas Dehaene
In his autobiographical Confessions, Saint Augustine of Hippo (AD 354–430) recounts a strange sight: his teacher, Ambrose, reading to himself. At the time, reading was a public activity; the literate elite, being a rare commodity, would read the Bible aloud to the illiterate masses as a public service. Socrates, many intellectuals’ role model, was in all likelihood illiterate.
Today we are readers. Evidence suggests that reading – which depends on an alphabet, writing materials, papyrus and such – is only about 5000 years old. The brain in its modern form is about 200,000 years old, yet brain imaging shows reading taking place in the same way and in the same place in all brains. To within a few millimetres, human brains share a reading hotspot – what Stanislas Dehaene calls the “letterbox” – on the bottom of the left hemisphere.
Dehaene builds his clear and interesting book around what he calls the “reading paradox”, which is really more puzzle than paradox. It is standard procedure in cognitive neuroscience to assume that a brain area dedicated to a particular function – especially when it is universal – is an adaptation that evolved to serve a function related to reproductive success. The letterbox, however, cannot be an adaptation because reading is an utterly recent invention, unlike neurological abilities for language and socialising that were around long enough to have evolved. What’s more, the letterbox does not ride on top of areas used for speech. Instead, it must be an “exaptation”: a brain area that evolved to do one thing but has been co-opted to do another.
Dehaene calls this the “neuronal recycling hypothesis”, which he enjoys announcing to considerable fanfare as a “novel” solution to the reading puzzle, though many neuroscientists have turned to exaptations to solve such mysteries. He sees the hypothesis as staking a middle ground between tabula-rasa (the mind as an empty slate) and hardwired-determinist views (the mind as pre-programmed) of human nature. The neuronal recycling hypothesis is the idea that “human brain architecture obeys strong genetic constraints, but some circuits have evolved to tolerate a fringe of variability”, Dehaene writes. “Part of our visual system, for instance, is not hard-wired, but remains open to changes in the environment. Within an otherwise wellstructured brain, visual plasticity gave the ancient scribes the opportunity to invent reading.”
So what did the reading module originally evolve for? Dehaene lets the answer to this question remain a mystery until the end, while he takes the reader on a fascinating tour of the neuroscience of reading. It is a rich and comprehensive book by a clear writer and a fine scientist.
Eventually we get the solution, admittedly speculative, to the puzzle. The area that reading co-opted originally evolved for the visual acuity needed to track animals, a skill with obvious survival benefits. Some of the evidence for this comes from studying line, edge and curve detection in the letterbox area, which also explains universal visual features of all alphabets.
Did we lose the capacity to track because reading has co-opted this neural space? Has our capacity to “read” patterns in nature diminished? Here Dehaene is hard to pin down. The brain has so much computing power that it seems doubtful that reading has knocked out the original ability.
I would also have liked Dehaene to speculate on the future of reading. Some think reading will become obsolete as new technologies reutilise pictorial and auditory routes to do for us what reading does. What will culture and the brain conspire to do next? We may be figuring out how brains read just when we are on the verge of returning to living as very smart souls who don’t read. Socrates redux.
Owen Flanagan, New Scientist
3. Premium
What is implied about reading in relation to the human brain?
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4. Premium
What are we told about the brain’s “letterbox” area for reading?
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5. Premium
Which of the following statements is most in keeping with the “neuronal recycling hypothesis”?
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6. Premium
What is said concerning the relationship between the ability to read and its neurological origins?
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7. Premium
What is the reviewer’s overall impression of Stanislas Dehaene and his book?
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8. Premium
Election Time
It has started – the Monty Pythonesque exchange of electoral promises. Everyone agrees that there is an impressively great public-sector deficit and that it will have to be reined in quickly. That means either steep tax raises or deep spending cuts, or, most likely, both. But in modern politics it simply does not do to tell the voters what is going to happen. Instead, the parties pussyfoot around the subject, telling us how they will protect vital services, avoid inflation, attack poverty and tax us fairly – all at the same time. Some public spending is, if you believe them, utterly sacrosanct, notably that on education and the National Health Service.
What is suggested about politicians?
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9. Premium
Neuroscientist Alice Flaherty at Harvard studies conditions such as hypergraphia (an uncontrollable urge to write) and writer’s block, and also looks to disease models to explain the drive behind this mode of communication. For example, people with mania often talk too much. “We believe something in the brain’s limbic system is boosting their desire to communicate,” she says. Located mainly in the midbrain, the limbic system controls our drives, whether they are related to food, sex, appetite, or problem solving. “You know that drives are involved in blogging because a lot of people do it compulsively,” Flaherty notes. Also, blogging might trigger dopamine release, similar to stimulants like music, running and looking at art.
What are we told in this text?
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10. Premium
The 1960s
If, like me, you were not yet born in the 1960s, it can take a bit of effort to comprehend the 60s-ness in some of the cultural endeavours of that decade. It is strange to think, for example, that a famous writer like Gabriel García Márquez wrote One Hundred Years of Solitude with ‘A Hard Day’s Night’ on his turntable, or that Doris Lessing was once considered as way out as Captain Beefheart. This is partly because different kinds of artists get invested with different kinds of cultural authority. But later developments play a part as well. A lot of 60s stuff that is now thought of as ‘postmodern’ has acquired a rather sleek and technocratic aura, much as the acid-tripping Steve Jobs eventually brought us the iMac.
What is said about the 1960s?
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