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Högskoleprovet Vår 2017
 /   Provpass 3 – Verbal del (HPVAR2017P3)

ELF – Engelsk läsförståelse (HPVAR2017P3)

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Författare:Simon Rybrand


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    Speaking two languages may keep the mind sharp longer than knowing only a single language, even in those who can’t read. Scientists reviewed the records of 391 bilingual and 257 monolingual patients diagnosed with dementia between 2006 and 2012 at a clinic in Hyderabad, India. Patients who spoke two languages developed the frst signs of dementia an average of 4.5 years later than those who spoke only one language. Additional results suggest that education alone cannot account for the diference. Bilingual speakers who could not read developed dementia an average of six years later than single-language speakers, according to a research report.

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    A Green Classic

    If Silent Spring, Rachel Carson’s classic from 1962, gave birth to the modern green movement, the critical reaction to it created the blueprint for how industry defends itself against environmentalism. Whether it’s pesticides, asbestos or air pollution, the battle plan is the same: question the science, attack the scientists’ credibility and warn of unbearable costs. Te plan hasn’t worked: the U.S. has become cleaner and healthier since Silent Spring. But the fght is far from over, as the polarized debate over climate change demonstrates. Rachel Carson may have prophesied a silent spring, but the battle between her acolytes and her enemies will be long and loud.

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  • Setting Standards

    In the long list of problems that plague American education, one is primary: what should students learn? For decades, however, this question has bafed people. In an education system run by the 50 states, success is in the eye of the beholder. Mississippi has diferent expectations for pupils than Massachusetts does. America as a whole has fallen behind. In a ranking of 15-year-olds in 30 industrialised countries in 2006, American teenagers came a dismal 21st in science and 25th in maths.

    Now there is a new drive to set national standards. Te US Secretary of Education has ofered more than $4 billion in total of federal money to states that pursue certain reforms – in particular, adopting standards and assessments that prepare students to compete in a global economy. Tis gives urgency to an efort already under way: the National Governors Association (NGA) and the Council of Chief State School Ofcers (CCSSO) are in the midst of drafting common standards.

    President Eisenhower spoke of the need for “national goals” for education as long ago as 1959. But past eforts to set such standards have been squashed quickly. In the early 1990s, President George Bush senior supported national standards. Te guidelines for teaching history were derided by conservatives as political correctness, and the Senate threw them out with a 99–1 vote. In 1997 America scored pathetic marks in an international maths and science test. Germany did too, and was so shocked that it brought in national standards and exams. But America foundered. Bill Clinton, when president, proposed a voluntary national test; Congress scrapped the idea. An encouraging step came in 2001, when No Child Left Behind (NCLB) determined that schools should be held accountable for how they performed. But NCLB still lets states set their own bars for success.

    Now, after years of failure, the push for common standards has new life. NCLB’s reforms were plainly insufcient. A chorus of wonks and professors say that bad schools will undermine America’s competitiveness in future. Most important, the states, in the shape of the governors and chief school ofcers, are leading the efort. Recently the NGA and the CCSSO published a report calling for reform and now all states except Texas and Alaska have signed on, agreeing to support their plan.

    The NGA and CCSSO hope to create standards for maths and English that are clear, focused and rigorous. Dane Linn, the NGA’s education director, explains that the drafters have tried to follow the example of high-performing countries such as Singapore and states such as Massachusetts. Te frst task is to provide standards for what high-school graduates should know to succeed in college or the workforce. Te draft guidelines for English include examples of suitable content, such as Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and a lecture by Toni Morrison. Te second task is to create standards for each grade. Mr Linn hopes to present fnal standards in the near future.

    Tere are many difculties ahead. Te standards may turn out to be too lax. Some states may reject them. States that do adopt the standards will need to revise curricula, textbooks and the way they train teachers, explains Chester Finn of the Fordham Institute, a conservative thinktank. New standards demand new tests. Te stimulus ofered provides $350 million to develop common assessments, but these may not be ready for years. In the end, however, American students will at least know where they stand, and where they should be going.

    The Economist

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    What is the main issue in American education, according to the first paragraph? 

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    What is said about American interest in national standards?

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    How, according to the text, can “No Child Left Behind” best be characterized?

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    Which of the following statements is most in line with the text?

    The NGA and CCSSO …

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    What is claimed about the introduction of national educational standards in America?

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    Children and Parents

    Caution, inhibition and even fearfulness may be healthy – and smart – in a number of environments, but they’re still not characteristics many parents want in their children, especially in a society that lionizes the bold. So it’s common for moms and dads of introverted ofspring to press their kids to be more outgoing, lest they end up overlooked in class and later in life.

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    What are we to make of the scientifc quality of modern tests of functional profciency in languages, which has come to play such an important role in immigration policy? Carefully developed and well managed, profciency tests allow defensible decisions about individuals to be made within existing policy settings. In other words, the tests support the fairness of decisions about individuals, and in terms of fairness, are an improvement on procedures that involved impressionistic evaluations from ofcers not qualifed to make language assessment. Tis is not to say, though, that these tests are perfect. We can make, however, a distinction between fairness and justice. Even if a test is fair, it may be unjust, if it is used to implement unjust policies. Language testers are currently debating whether their responsibility extends to how tests are used. Whatever position one takes in the theoretical debate, it is clear that a good quality test in scientifc and technical terms can disarm criticism of the policies it serves.

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    A New Vaccine

    In what may prove to be a major advance for Africa’s “meningitis belt”, regulatory authorities have decided that a new meningitis vaccine can be stored without refrigeration for up to four days, as long as it stays below 104 degrees Fahrenheit, or 40 Celsius. While a few days may seem trivial, the hardest part of protecting poor countries is often keeping vaccine cold while moving it from electrifed cities to villages with no power. In bad years, epidemics during the hot Harmattan winds have killed as many as 25,000 Africans and disabled 50,000 more.

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