Högskoleprovet Höst 2022
/  Provpass 5 – Verbal del

ELF – Engelsk läsförståelse (HPVAR2019P1)

Författare:Simon Rybrand


Provpass 1

  • Du måste fylla i dina svar i svarshäftet innan provtiden är slut.
  • Följ instruktionerna i svarshäftet.
  • Du får använda provhäftet som kladdpapper.
  • Fyll alltid i ett svar för varje uppgift. Du får inte minuspoäng om du svarar fel.
  • På nästa sida börjar provet, som innehåller 40 uppgifter.
  • Provtiden är 55 minuter.

Verbal del

Detta provhäfte består av fyra olika delprov. Dessa är ORD (ordförståelse), LÄS (svensk läsförståelse), MEK (meningskomplettering) och ELF (engelsk läsförståelse). Anvisningar och exempeluppgifter finner du i ett separat häfte.

ProvAntal uppgifterUppgiftsnummerRekommenderad provtid
ORD 10 1–10 3 minuter
LÄS 10 11–20 22 minuter
MEK 10 21–30 8 minuter
ELF 10 31–40 22 minuter

  • 1.


    The process of aging remains as enigmatic as it is inevitable. And what knowledge we have gained over the years can sometimes be easily overturned. “For example, we used to believe that people became grumpy as they got older. But an analysis of long-term data from the Baltimore Longitudinal Study on Aging discovered that an adult’s personality generally doesn’t change much after age 30,” says researcher Luigi Ferrucci. “In fact, people who are happy when they’re younger are likelier to be the same when they’re much older.” It turns out “grumpy old men” – or women, for that matter – may be gruff not because of age, but because they’re set in a personality shaped by their youth during times when war, poverty and other harsh experiences were more common. “It also suggests that significant changes in personality may not be due to aging,” says Ferrucci, “but could be a sign of disease or dementia instead.”

    What is the main point here?

  • 2.


    In past centuries, public executions of criminals had several purposes. They were a deterrent, a vengeful enactment of moral justice and a morbid form of entertainment. In the 19th century, however, many western nations began moving their gallows behind grey prison walls. Why this decision was taken is hotly debated, but it wasn’t due to dwindling public interest. On the contrary, crowds in Victorian Britain were often rowdy mobs; in 1868, the last man to be publicly executed in Britain was booed by 2,000 people as he swung from the gallows at Newgate. For campaigners like Charles Dickens, such furore was uncivilised and cruel, and his protests likely contributed to the change in the law.

    What is said here concerning executions in Britain?

  • Doing Good

    When I was young, I would frequent two Catholic churches. One took its weekly collection by passing around a cloth bag, while at the other the congregation placed their offerings on a tray. I saw no reason for the variation, but an older churchgoer explained that it made a big difference to what people gave. People would put coins into a bag because others could only hear and not see that they had donated, whereas they would be more inclined to put notes onto a tray as a public display of their generosity. For an innocent young boy, it was a startling introduction to our endemic cynicism about charitable giving. You are seen as comically naïve if you believe that people give up their time or money purely out of the goodness of their own hearts. ‘What’s in it for them?’ is often the automatic response to signs of conspicuous altruism.

    Indeed, this reaction is no longer seen as cynical at all, but simply realistic. Good causes are increasingly trying to convince us that there’s at least as much in charity for us as there is for those we’re supposed to be helping. Even apparently heroically selfless lives can be reinterpreted as selfish quests for meaning, purpose or prestige. For instance, why are those who devote themselves to raising funds to help fight a disease so often people who have lost members of their own family to it? What are they fighting most, the disease or their own demons? In a world where pure goodness looks like fairytale nonsense, ‘do-gooders’ are brought crashing from their pedestals. Mother Teresa, once a byword for selflessness, has been described by Christopher Hitchens as a ‘friend of poverty rather than a friend of the poor’, who enjoyed her fame but did little to actually improve the lives of the poor of Calcutta.

    Are we right to be so suspicious of apparent acts of kindness? Cynicism about charity becomes inevitable once you demand that genuine altruism is never tainted by self-interest. But why should we ever think that in the first place? Consider two people who give the same amount to charity: one who gets pleasure from helping others, and one who begrudgingly gives out of duty. Which is the more morally praiseworthy? If charity shouldn’t benefit the benefactor, then we are forced to accept that the reluctant donor is superior. But surely it is the mark of the truly kind that doing good feels good and is something they want to do. There’s a kind of puritanism in the idea that charity must hurt to really count. The whole point of helping others is to make life better. But your life matters, too, so how can making it worse be better? From an objective point of view, altruism that helps both the giver and the recipient does more good than altruism that leaves the altruist worse off.

    Nor should we worry too much about motivation. People’s motives are invariably mixed, and if self-interest is among them, we shouldn’t worry, just as long as what they do genuinely helps others, too.

    Indeed, evolutionary psychologists would argue that the origins of the charitable impulse lie in the morally blind workings of natural selection. Put simply, groups of organisms that never co-operate or help each other are less successful at reproducing than those who do. The most successful replicators are those who help each other out, unless their apparent kindness is abused.

    So there is no contradiction or hypocrisy in giving that benefits the benefactor. Problems only arise if apparent altruism helps only the giver and perhaps even harms the recipient. And if you do good primarily to make yourself feel better, you can lose sight of whether ‘doing good’ really helps others at all.

    This is the danger with the generally welcome growth of ethical consumerism. Concern for the environment can easily become a form of eco-narcissism, where the main priority is to keep ourselves pure. But how altruistic is it to eat locally grown organic produce while refusing to spend money on food from countries that need our trade? How entitled are you to feel good about fitting a few low-energy light bulbs if you fly even once a year? And might your refusal to eat gene-modified foods be hampering a technology that could make feeding the world’s poor easier?

    The purpose of charity is to make life easier for everyone. Sacrificing some of your own self-interests for a substantial benefit to others is certainly laudable, and something too few of us are willing to do. But if we can help others while also benefiting ourselves, that is even better. When charity really can be a win-win deal, we would be foolish not to take it.

    Julian Baggini, Psychologies Magazine

  • 3.

    What is the main argument in the opening paragraph?

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  • 4. Premium

    What are we told about goodness of heart as a human property?

  • 5. Premium

    What, according to the writer, is especially problematic about discussions of charity?

  • 6. Premium

    How can the author’s main view of charity best be summarized?

  • 7. Premium

    Which of the following words most clearly reflects the specific risk discussed by the author in relation to “ethical consumerism”?

  • 8. Premium

    Infant Mortality

    One of the happiest trends of the first years of this century has been a dramatic decline in infant mortality. In 2013, approximately 6.3m children under the age of five died around the world, down from 9.7m in 2000. Achieving a two-thirds decline from 1990 mortality rates (when 12.7m children aged five or under died) was one of the UN’s Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), a set of eight development targets for 2015 approved at a UN summit in 2000. Working out the extent to which the MDGs were responsible for this decline has become a big part of the debate over whether they were a success or not. The main difficulty is to guess what would have happened had the MDGs not been set; during the 1990s, the number of child deaths was already falling steeply.

    What is said in this text with regard to thev decline in infant mortalit ?

  • 9. Premium

    King Penguins

    Tall in stature and long of beak, king penguins bear striking color patches along their necks, ear regions, and the sides of their beaks. In the visible light spectrum, these beak patches appear orange. Penguins are able to see into the ultraviolet region of the electromagnetic spectrum, however, and can detect additional patches of ultraviolet color along the lower bill that are imperceptible to human eyes. Scientists hypothesize that these beak markings signal sexual maturity and make penguins more attractive to mates. As a king penguin matures, the ultraviolet hue of the beak markings increases. In wild penguin studies, scientists have documented higher ultraviolet reflectance in recently formed male-female pairs.

    What is said about king penguins?

  • 10. Premium


    Crying encompasses two very different processes: vocal wailing and tearing. Human babies excel at the former, and for good reason – bawling is a very effective way of getting attention from caregivers. Around adolescence, we begin to cry less over physical pain and more over emotional pain. Many people also start to exhibit “moral crying”, in reaction to acts of bravery, self-sacrifice and altruism. Why we do this is still a mystery. Also mysterious is why, as we age, we increasingly shed tears over things that are positive. One theory is that tears of joy do not actually reflect happiness at all; events such as weddings and holidays are often bittersweet because they remind us of the passage of time and mortality. This may be why children usually do not cry out of happiness: they don’t yet make the associations with sacrifice, loss and impermanence.

    What is claimed about the act of crying?

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