Högskoleprovet Höst 2015
/ Provpass 1 – Verbal del (HPHOST2015P1)
ELF – Engelsk läsförståelse (HPHOST2015P1)
Simon Rybrand
Tid kvar
Provpass 1
- Du måste fylla i dina svar i svarshäftet innan provtiden är slut.
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- Du får använda provhäftet som kladdpapper.
- Fyll alltid i ett svar för varje uppgift. Du får inte minuspoäng om du svarar fel.
- På nästa sida börjar provet, som innehåller 40 uppgifter.
- Provtiden är 55 minuter.
Verbal del
Detta provhäfte består av fyra olika delprov. Dessa är ORD (ordförståelse), LÄS (svensk läsförståelse), MEK (meningskomplettering) och ELF (engelsk läsförståelse). Anvisningar och exempeluppgifter finner du i ett separat häfte.
Prov | Antal uppgifter | Uppgiftsnummer | Rekommenderad provtid |
ORD | 10 | 1–10 | 3 minuter |
LÄS | 10 | 11–20 | 22 minuter |
MEK | 10 | 21–30 | 8 minuter |
ELF | 10 | 31–40 | 22 minuter |
X-uppgifter (10)
New Scotland Yard
New Scotland Yard may be a beacon of law and order in the heart of London, but the sight of its lights burning through the night has taken on a diferent meaning. Staf at the HQ of the Metropolitan Police use so much lighting, heating, cooling and electricity that the tower pumps out 13,491 tonnes of carbon dioxide a year – equivalent to about 2,200 households. It makes it the most polluting police station in England and Wales and one of the biggest contributors to greenhouse gases of any public building in Britain.’
What is implied here?
Animal Life
It took a mere 85 million years – the geologic blink of an eye – for animals to evolve and radiate out over much of the world’s land and oceans. Although fossil records and molecular biology have provided much information on the spread of animal life, scientists have not been able to fgure out exactly what sparked this massive diversifcation. New research shows that nutrient-rich runof from massive melting glaciers may have provided the extra energy needed to fuel this dramatic evolution.
What is said about evolution in this text?
Rättar...Africans in the Indian Mutiny
Troughout 2007, the 200th anniversary of the abolition of slavery, the focus was naturally on the shipment of African slaves to the West Indies, but no mention was made of the trade eastwards from Africa to the Indian subcontinent or of the Arab traders who sold slaves to wealthy Indian rulers. Although a few Africans rose to positions of power in India, some even establishing small kingdoms, most entered the country as slaves. Teir descendants are found today in Gujarat and along the southern coast. But little is known about those slaves shipped in through Bombay and Karachi and taken eastwards to be sold.
Anecdotal stories of African soldiers fghting against the British during the Indian Mutiny (also known as the Indian Uprising) occur in military memoirs and particularly those from Oudh, the last princely state to be annexed by the East India Company. Te two events, the annexation in 1856 followed by the mutiny of 1857–58, are closely connected. Many of the Indian troops who turned against their British ofcers came from Oudh. Although there was much wrong in the kingdom, presided over by its last monarch the Nawab Wajid Ali Shah (1822–87), the inhabitants preferred to be ruled by their own king, whatever his faults, rather than by the British. Tis was something that Lord Dalhousie, the Governor General of India, had signally failed to appreciate when he ordered Oudh to be annexed on the grounds of misrule.
Some of the fercest Mutiny fghting took place in its capital, Lucknow, where the Nawab had recently created a huge palace. During the siege and the subsequent recapture of the city in March 1858, African men and women were involved in the thick of the street fghting. Why these men and women supported their former master, the slaveowning Wajid Ali Shah, rather than the British, who had prohibited slavery, can be answered from British Government records in the Delhi National Archives.
There are fragmentary accounts of Africans in Lucknow brought in by earlier rulers. Wajid Ali Shah’s great-grandfather, a keen horseman, had employed ‘habshi boys’ as jockeys at the turn of the 19th century. A great-uncle had ordered and bought 18 slaves, who arrived at Bombay in an Arab ship and who were brought overland in covered carriages. Wajid Ali Shah’s own father ordered 200 swords for his African troops. So the custom of employing Africans and an overland slave-trading route was already established. As many as 1,000 male and female African slaves may have arrived in Lucknow in 1847 and 1848. Although Africans were employed elsewhere in India, the Nawabs of Oudh seem unique in importing women as well as men.
In 1860, with the British frmly back in control, the remaining Africans in Lucknow petitioned the Chief Commissioner for pensions. Tis was not a completely futile hope because many people who had been dependent on the Nawab for their livelihood did receive small sums from the British government in compensation for losing their source of income. However, the Africans’ petition was turned down and over the next two decades their pleas became more urgent as their numbers dwindled. A large number were said to have died from starvation, while others had left the city.
The care and fnancial support given by the British government to slaves in Bombay contrasts starkly with the ofcial indiference shown to the Africans in Lucknow. For backing the ‘wrong side’ during the Mutiny they were still being punished 20 years later. Only one sympathetic voice was heard in their defence. Sir William Muir, head of the Intelligence Department during the Mutiny, declared in May 1877: “Te fact that they fought against us at Lucknow ought not to be brought against them – it was probably natural; the fact that they fought bravely is surely in their favour!”
African men and women came to Oudh as slaves to satisfy the whims of the last king, who then left them unprovided for when he was deposed. Tey fought bravely in the Mutiny, a fght which was not of their making, and have been paying the price ever since.
Rosie Llewellyn-Jones, History Today
What is true according to the opening paragraph?
Rättar...4. Premium
What is implied in relation to the kingdom of Oudh?
Rättar...5. Premium
In what way can the fighting in Lucknow be characterized as somewhat paradoxical, according to the text?
Rättar...6. Premium
What are we told in connection with the import of Africans to India?
Rättar...7. Premium
What was the British government’s attitude towards former African slaves in India?
Rättar...8. Premium
TV Psychology
Tere has clearly been an explosion in TV psychology in the past few years. Te schedules are crammed with programmes showcasing diferent kinds of therapy. Makeover shows for the soul are the latest version of reality TV and often make for compelling viewing. However, therapists’ views are divided on this new phenomenon. Some worry about the dumbing down and exploitation that sometimes takes place, whereas others are grateful that the potential of therapy, and a more psychologically aware approach to life, is being brought to a wider audience. But ethical questions do arise. Often these programmes unearth deeper emotional issues of which the participants were unaware when they originally agreed to take part.
What is implied in this text about TV psychology?
Rättar...9. Premium
Teenagers and Language
Since 1915, adults in the U.S. have made huge vocabulary gains and young people only modest ones. Now, that’s a symptom of the growing potency of teenage subculture. Rather than being socialized into the adult speech community, teenagers are resistant. Tey can understand what you say but they’re reluctant to use your language and they want to retreat into their own dialect. In 1950, I could both understand my parents’ language and use it. Teenage subculture is a modern phenomenon and quite bizarre. I was 16 years old in 1950 and it never occurred to any of us that we were in some blessed state that we wanted to perpetuate.
What is the main claim here about language use in the U.S.?
Rättar...10. Premium
Consider the following statements: “War continues.” “No sign of peace.” Does our brain treat these two sentences diferently, despite their identical meaning? A new study suggests it does. British researchers showed that we are better at detecting words that carry negative meaning than those that are positive. Volunteers were exposed to a word for a fraction of a second – too short a time to consciously read the word – and then asked to guess whether the word was neutral or had emotional content (either positive or negative). Te subjects were most accurate at detecting the negative words. Te mechanisms underlying this phenomenon are not clear, but researchers speculate that the brain might process negative stimuli faster than positive ones. A diferent explanation could be that information processing is equally fast for both types of information but that negative words better capture our attention, causing the processing to start earlier.
What are we told in this text?