Matematik 4
/  Nationellt prov Ma4 HT 2014

ELF – Engelsk läsförståelse (HPHOST2019P3)

Författare:Simon Rybrand
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Provpass 3

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  • På nästa sida börjar provet, som innehåller 40 uppgifter.
  • Provtiden är 55 minuter.

Verbal del

Detta provhäfte består av fyra olika delprov. Dessa är ORD (ordförståelse), LÄS (svensk läsförståelse), MEK (meningskomplettering) och ELF (engelsk läsförståelse). Anvisningar och exempeluppgifter finner du i ett separat häfte.

ProvAntal uppgifterUppgiftsnummerRekommenderad provtid
ORD 10 1–10 3 minuter
LÄS 10 11–20 22 minuter
MEK 10 21–30 8 minuter
ELF 10 31–40 22 minuter

  • 1.

    Education and Pay

    Education is key to increased economic equality. To get workers’ paychecks up, they have to possess better skills, yet many societies are not doing enough to improve schools and teachers and bolster job training. Enhancing access to good education isn’t just a matter of more money, however, but also how we spend that money. In a recent report, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) recommended boosting investment in the early years of education, like preschool, since that improves a child’s academic performance over his or her entire career.

    What is the main point here?

  • 2.


    Some scientists believe that one day technology will make it possible to achieve immortality by uploading our neural connections into robots’ bodies; others believe this is impossible. Regardless, legitimate philosophers are engaged in a debate over how such an eventuality would change our humanity. Their dialogue is important because even if the final goal falls short, human augmentation and improvements may raise similar issues.

    What is the main point in this text?

  • The Rise of Modern Religions

    About 2,500 years ago, something changed the way humans think. Within the span of two centuries, in three separate regions of Eurasia, spiritual movements emerged that would give rise to the world’s major moral religions, those preaching some combination of compassion, humility and asceticism. Scholars often attribute the rise of these moral religions – Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Christianity included – to population growth, seeing morality as a necessary social stabilizer in increasingly large and volatile human communities. Yet findings from a recent study published in Current Biology point to a different factor: rising affluence.

    The authors investigated variables relating to political complexity and living standards. Affluence emerged as a major force in the rise of moral religion – in particular, access to energy. Across cultures, moral religions abruptly emerged when members of a population could reliably source 20,000 calories of energy a day, including food (for humans and livestock), fuel and raw materials. “This number appears to correspond with a certain peace of mind,” says lead author Nicolas Baumard, a research scientist at École Normale Supérieure in Paris. “Having a roof over your head, not feeling like the world is full of predators and enemies, knowing that you’ll have enough to eat tomorrow.” As Baumard points out, psychology research shows that affluence appears to influence our motivations and reward circuitry away from short-term gain to also considering the benefits of longterm strategy. In other words, with a steady energy supply, we had more time to cooperate, cultivate skills and consider consequences. Affluence also allowed more time for existential pondering: maybe we have some greater moral responsibility; perhaps life has a purpose.

    Baumard acknowledges that moral and ascetic qualities probably existed in humans before the major religions emphasized them. Other experts believe that the paper may not consider these inherent qualities seriously enough. Barbara King, an anthropologist at the college of William & Mary, argues that the study exaggerates the sharp transition to the moral belief systems. She suggests that a more gradual transition may have taken place – one that was perhaps nudged over the line by a reliable calorie count. “Anthropologists and psychologists have found deep roots of compassion and morality in other primates,” King explains. “I don’t see any reason to assume that cosmological morality and compassion were not important to earlier hunter-gatherer groups.”

    Bernard J. Crespi, an evolutionary biologist at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, also cautions against Baumard’s claim: “The main idea in the article is fascinating, but the causal link between increasing affluence and religion remains to be established. Our work actually suggests that the authors might have their causality reversed – that religion itself drives increases in affluence via its effects on increased cooperation.”

    Still, Baumard’s findings point to a strong association between affluence and the emergence of moral religion, specifically. Plenty of ancient societies cooperated and had religious beliefs – the Maya, Sumerians and Egyptians among them. For the most part, however, none of these societies’ belief systems emphasized morality, or material and visceral restraint. And according to Baumard, members of these societies never had access to more than 15,000 calories a day. Whether cause or effect, morality, it seems, takes energy.

    Bret Stetka, Scientific American Mind

  • 3.

    What is the main point in the opening paragraph? 

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    What is said about the new study mentioned?

  • 5. Premium

    How does Barbara King regard Nicolas Baumard’s research? 

    According to King, …

  • 6. Premium

    How does Bernard J. Crespi view Nicolas Baumard’s findings?

  • 7. Premium

    What is the writer’s overall attitude to Nicolas Baumard’s research?

  • 8. Premium


    People with autism are often unable to judge when a face conveys emotions such as happiness or sadness, and many researchers take this as evidence that autism involves serious deficits in processing social information. Yet the voice, too, can provide emotional cues, and several recent studies indicate that when listening to voices, people with autism can actually recognize feelings and other traits of humanness as well as – or even better than – neurotypical people do. The studies suggest that at least for some subgroups of autistic people in certain situations, deficits in identifying emotions could be confined primarily to vision. ‘This is great news from a treatment perspective,’ says researcher Kevin Pelphrey at George Washington University. ‘It is much easier to help someone overcome an inability to read emotion from faces than it would be to treat a fundamental lack of understanding of emotion from all modalities.

    What is the main point here in relation to autistic people?

  • 9. Premium

    China Today

    Once again, as a thousand years ago, China leads the world in many ways. For example, they are global leaders in genetic engineering, the Chinese government directing billions of dollars towards research into modifying genes of crops, animals and even humans. China also leads the world in mobile banking, spending on luxury goods, high-speed rail, car manufacture, foreign trade, the export of machinery and electronic products – and in the size of its art market. It has the planet’s largest number of broadband subscribers, and is ahead in both solar and wind industry, as well as in the use of methanol as an alternative fuel. It also leads the world in the growth of millionaires – and in poverty reduction.

    Which of the following phrases best characterizes China’s overall progress, as described in the text? 

  • 10. Premium

    Restless Legs Syndrome

    Glaxo Smith Kline made restless legs syndrome – a disorder characterized in part by the urge to move one’s legs at night – a household term in 2003, when it ran a vigorous awareness campaign for the disorder. The pharmaceutical company began by issuing press releases about presentations given at the 2003 annual meeting for the American Academy of Neurology, a professional society representing neurologists and neuroscientists. Two months later it distributed another press release, for a company-funded, as yet unpublished study, entitled “New survey reveals common yet under-recognized disorder – restless legs syndrome – is keeping Americans awake at night.” The press releases led to a slew of media coverage of the disorder; according to an analysis in 2006, one fifth of all articles written about it referred readers to the nonprofit Restless Legs Syndrome Foundation for more information, an organization that is heavily subsidized by Glaxo Smith Kline.

    What is the main point here?

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